The Thing About My Uncle
The thing about my uncle was that I hardly knew him. Uncle Theo kept to himself, some would say he was a recluse, and by all accounts, that was how he preferred it. I couldn’t precisely recall when I had seen him last in the flesh. I just had a foggy recollection from when I was little, like a grainy home movie with cracks and skips and frames missing…

Although ten years have passed, Rhett Littlefield has always blamed himself for his father abandoning him and his family. When the troubled fourteen-year-old gets kicked out of school for his latest run-in with the vice principal, his frazzled single mother sends him to the hollers of Eastern Kentucky to stay with his Uncle Theo, a man of few words who leads an isolated existence with his loyal dog, Chekhov.

Resigned to make the best of his situation while still longing for the day when Mama will allow him to return home, Rhett settles into his new life. Rhett barely remembers his uncle, but he’s determined to get to know him. As he does, Rhett discovers that he and Uncle Theo share a connection to the past, one that has altered both their lives, a past that will soon come calling.

The Thing About My Uncle is an engaging and heartwarming coming-of-age story that explores the cost of family secrets, the strength of family bonds, and the importance of reconciling the two in order to move forward. 
The Thing About My Unlce by Peter J. Stavros
Peter J. Stavros
ISBN Numbers:
Hardcover: 978-1-64397-397-5
Softcover:  978-1-64397-398-2
Ebook:        978-1-64397-399-9
LCCN: 2023945948

Page Count: 238
Release Date: 8/20/2024
Fiction / Coming-of-age
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Hardcover, Softcover, Ebook
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Peter J. Stavros
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Peter J. Stavros
Meet the Author
“There’s no such thing as taking a pause when coming across a coming-of-age story like The Thing About My Uncle. It settles on the simplest scenarios, yet effortlessly pokes at the heart of what forces us to forget what living in the moment feels like. The story shows what it is to be in a routine and still be able to breathe and have fun.” 
—Goodreads Reviewer
“this well-paced, contemporary, coming-of-age novel is believable and offers great voice, memorable and engaging characters, superb writing and a plot that teens will love.” 
—YA Dude Books
“Beautifully written, The Thing About My Uncle, is a story about coming of age, acquiring knowledge and confidence, and learning that the lines of good and evil are sometimes interlocked and blurred. Highly recommended!” 
—Goodreads Reviewer
“a great book about family and community.” 
—Goodreads Reviewer
“I was immediately drawn in by the author's unique voice [and] writing style. I can't believe this is the author's first full-length novel and will wait with bated breath to see what he publishes next! One of my top books of 2024” 
—Steph's Book Reads