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With a Blighted Touch by J. Todd Kingrea
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Rise of the Firebird by Amy Kuivalainen
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Generation Annihilation by Tracy Hewitt Meyer
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The Last Immortal by Natalie Gibson
The Last Immortal
by Natalie Gibson
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The Hampton House Mystery
by Ellen Alexander
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The Hampton House Mystery by Ellen Alexander
Faye Murphy
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Hunt It, Clean It, Cook It, Eat It by Haley Heathman
Sugar Sands by Deb Davies
Sugar Sands
by Deb Davies
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Paul M. Hedeen
Jim O'Loughlin
July 9, 2024
The Dishonest
Miss Take
by Faye Murphy
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The Dishonest Miss Take by Faye Murphy
Lizzie Chantree
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A Dugout to Peace
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A Dugout to Peace by Gary Morgenstein
Generation Retaliation by Tracy Hewitt Meyer
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Generation Retaliation
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The Andromeda's Ghost by Becca Fox
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See the Trailer for Thirty Seconds at a Time by Tracy Bilen
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