Sirgrus Blackmane Demihuman Gumshoe and The Dark-Elf by William Schlichter
The Raging One - Lexy Wolfe
The Knowing One - Lexy Wolfe
The Timeless One - Lexy Wolfe
The Fallen One - Lexy Wolfe
Doom and the Warrior by Lexy Wolfe
The Weeping Books Of Blinney Lane - Drea Damara
The Unforeseen One - Lexy Wolfe
Elements - Raymond Henri
Beyond Farwin Wood - Drea Damara
The Seventh Life of Aline Lloyd by Robert Davies
Storm in a Teacup by Emmie Mears
Any Port in a Storm by Emmie Mears
Eye of the Storm by Emmie Mears
Taken by Storm by Emmie Mears
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The Savage Peak by Jon David
Tidewater by Emmie Mears
Warriors' Legacy: The Uncovering by Evan D. Hueker
Divine Intervention by Spencer Stoner
The Path Keeper by N.J. Simmonds
Son of Secrets by N.J. Simmonds
Rebirth by Bets Davies
The Perfect Tear by Connie Lansberg
Whiteland by Rosie Cranie-Higgs
Dark Flowers - Caytlyn Brooke

Witchfinder by J. Todd Kingrea
Children of Shadows
Adventure & Science Fantasy
Among the Hunted by Caytlyn Brooke
Machines by Raymond Henri
The Confrontation by Evan D. Heuker
Dark Fantasy/Horror
Karliquai by Rosie Cranie-Higgs
The Spirit Phone by Arthur Shattuck O'Keefe
The Crimson Fathers by J. Todd Kingrea
Epic Fantasy
Serpent Rising by Victor Acquista
Revelation by Victor Acquista
The City Beneath the Hidden Stars by Sonya Kudei
Windtaker by Emmie Mears